Thursday, December 26, 2019
Socrates Convictions - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1577 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/08/06 Category People Essay Tags: Socrates Essay Did you like this example? In this essay I evaluate according to Socrates, must one heed popular opinion about moral matters? Does Socrates accept the fairness of the laws under which he was tried and convicted? Would Socrates have been wrong to escape? In my evaluation I explain Socrates decision to accept his conviction, and that popular opinion will likely do great damage to the spiritual/mental/moral well-being, and if he would have decided to escape his life of virtue would end with that decision. Socrates was born 469 B.C. his father Sophroniscus, was an Athenian stone mason and sculptor. Socrates followed his fathers footsteps and practiced it for many years. His mother Phaenarete was a midwife. Athenian law required men to serve in the service at this time. Socrates also serve as a civilian soldier as an armored infantryman, known as the hoplite. Which is a soldier with a shield, long spear and face mask, where he participated in three military campaigns in the Peloponnesian War, at Delium, Amphipolis, and Potidaea. Socrates was known for his bravery saving the life of one of his Generals. Being in the military you learn the principles of honor, loyalty, duty, respect, courage, fearlessness and it changes a persons life that does not already have those attributes. I would think that Socrates instilled these attributes also through combat and brotherhood for one another. Especially instilling courage and selflessness during saving the lives of his peers. Those traits stayed with him the rest of his life. Once the trial had ended, he compared the trial to his military experience. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Socrates Convictions" essay for you Create order Socrates had an ordinary Greek education and gave most of his time to philological interests. He is thought to be the first moral philosopher, of the tradition of thought. The character of our soul, where virtues are found, are more important for our lives than our bodies or external conditions. That the quality of the soul decides is the aspect of our lives, for the good or the bad. He says that if we want to do well in this world, we must take care of our soul. That we must want to get the virtues to change our souls better and live our lives for the better. To get these virtues we must have knowledge of how the act in the best interest of any way of life. That if you act badly its because of your incomprehension of how to act and why. Socrates, a citizen satisfied with his faithfulness to Athens, engaged in discussions and dialectic on essential questions of ethics, politics, religion and education. He went against the traditional knowledge of the elites. Socrates did not offer his teachings as a way to support his family, he took no payments. He just wanted to give the people of Athens the knowledge for them to think through and give them the opportunity on how to manage their lives. Once the uncertainty of a disturbed age in Athens, due to economy crashing and men coming home from the foreign and civil wars dead, the population starved and the political scene in turmoil, that brought Socrates to the hemlock. Other than follow the lead of his persecutors, we should perhaps honor Socrates encouragement to know ourselves, to be independently honest, to do what we, not the next man, knows to be the right way to live our lives. Just because the majority has hatred for something does not mean you have to also, the roa r of the crowd so to speak, but to go hard as it might be towards the good life. Socrates states that, its not my crimes that will convict me, but instead, rumors, gossip; the fact that by whispering together you will persuade yourselves that I am guilty. In my opinion, this is true even in our society. People tend to listen to the word of the majority other than making their own minds up using the methods of reasoning to understand what makes them happy, which is the rule of living a good life. Because if you are sad and not happy your life would not be good. This comes in fact with our social media we have today, which is good on both sides of the table. One, we can practice our freedom of speech and get our message across. But on the other side, it tends to build up to changing someone elses mind due to the lack of knowledge someone has on that subject. This results in the people going with the majority and not thinking for themselves. In which he had angered the majority of the wrong people and led to his conviction. Socrates trial was completed in two stages, the first was to convict him of his crimes of not believing in the mythical gods, and corrupting the youth of Athens. The second stage was to sentence him to which was obviously death. The trial took nine to ten hours in the Peoples Court, the civic center of Athens. The jury consisted of 500 male citizens over the age of thirty. The magistrate questioned both Socrates and the accusers. He also gave all of them the opportunity to question each other. The three accusers had a total of three hours to present their argument. One of the accusers, Anytus was the driving force behind the prosecution of Socrates. In my opinion, to the relationship of Anytus son and Socrates. Socrates did not really try to defend himself but to lecture his accusers and the magistrate by using his method of Socrates paradox. Since Socrates was sitting around quite willing to wait his impending execution. His old friend Crito gives him many arguments to persuade Socrates to escape. The first was, what will people think? In the eyes of Socrates his friends could have a bad reflection on themselves if they helped him escape. That Crito was well acquainted with the Guard and could persuade him to let Socrates leave. But in the eyes of his friends the people of Athens would think they did not try to help him get out of prison. Was he just thinking about his friends finances because they were willing to provide or was it totally his own morals that held him from escaping? In my opinion after reading his dialogues, He had strong moral concepts of the laws of Athens and he understood those laws and wanted to respect them. Crito also thought if he stayed and went through with the sentence, he was just aiding his antagonists to unjustly wronging him, at the same time acting unjust himself. Socrates states that one is never just in doing wrong, even if it is for the right reasons. In other words, two wrongs do not make a right. He had made a commitment to obey the laws of Athens and has lived happily for many years under them. So, if he attempted to escape it would not only break his agreement, but also challenge the weight of the law. Wouldve Socrates been wrong to escape his imprisonment? He believes it would have been wrong to escape stating that he wasnt afraid of death, felt he would be no better off it in exile and said he was still a faithful citizen of Athens. This is an extremely moral and honest and unbelievably honest level of integrity. This belief is based on what we call the social contract theory of government today. Social contract theory states a persons moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement among them to form the society in which they live. Socrates did not want to break his agreement with the laws of Athens. Socrates was also was true to his beliefs in the truth. He also believed that for him if death was like a sleep without interruptions or migration of the soul to another world it would be good for him. Because he says if its like sleep this would only be on night of eternity in a state of unconsciousness compared to other days of his life. He seemed to want to go to this place to reach new truths. Also, to find out who is wise, who pretends to be wise, who is not, and to continue his research and knowledge. Since he says that everyone already knows everything, they just have to recollect the knowledge. Thinking of this, makes me wonder if he thinks that going back to this state, he will receive the knowledge he is in search of. Socrates would have been labeled even if he had exiled to another Greek town. He would have gone against his morals and been disappointed the rest of his life living in hiding. He wanted even in the trial to continue his teaches and frankly despite his accuser s. Socrates mindset was that no one should listen to the popular opinion and listen to the intelligent, professional advice, and behave well. Socrates argues that if it is never good to do wrong, then you should never act illegally in the reaction of a wrong action. The statement from Socrates, for the unexamined life is not worth living. Here he meant if it refers to a life by rote under the rules of others without the subject ever examining whether or not he truly wants to live those routines or rules. According to Socrates, this type of life was not worth living. Rather than living an unexamined life, Socrates chose death.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Persuasive Speech About Beach Shop - 1106 Words
Introduction: -The reality The beauty industry. It s a great place. At least from our eyes. Here s the truth, those ads promoting the new beach wave hair spray , they re fake. Those models on the cover of magazines, they re photoshopped. Those billboards planted all around the city promoting the new highlighter, that have a photo of a girl with absolutely no perfections, IT S FAKE! Now, this may very well be no shock to some of us, maybe all of us, but you have to ask yourself, is there really an ugly side to the beauty industry? Get this, there is! Body 1: -Photoshop What is Photoshop? defines photoshop, as digital image editing software. It s something you can learn, something you can enjoy, maybe even a hobby!†¦show more content†¦Something needs to be done, not only to stop the disgusting meaning behind ads like this, but to show people, that slim, is not beauty. CNN Article, shows us that a study came out with unsurprising results. It showed that one in four people are depressed about their body image, about a third said, they would sacrifice a year of their life to get the ideal body, and almost half of the girls surveyed, think that constant pressure to look good is the worst part of being a female. It s not just females either. Males are having to deal with the terrible beauty industry as well! Constant pressure to have abs, the perfect jawline, flawless skin. Its unbelievable! You would have to blind to think that this isn t a serious matter that has to be attended to ASAP! The constant pressure from these magazines, ads, billboards, and so on, don t make matters any better. THE WORLD NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS! Body 3: -What are we doing about Photoshop? So, what is the world actually doing about Photoshop? CNN published an article titled, False beauty in advertising and the pressure to look good. One of the main things stated in the article is that, quote, These images don t reflect reality, yet from a younger and younger age, people are aspiring to these biologically impossible ideals.. Since these photos, ads, billboards, magazines, and so on are, false , and people want to be just like them, it s not possible! It s unrealistic, and when people aren tShow MoreRelatedGraydon : An Analysis2220 Words  | 9 Pagesthe driveway sometime this morning with a bang. So I believe you.†â€Å"Yeah, I did do damage to my car and the garage door. Apologize to your mother for me.†â€Å"No problem. She’s a light sleeper anyway.†He looks up at me. â€Å"You know, Elizabeth talked about your mother often. I think she called her Rachel.†â€Å"Are you sure it was my mother?†â€Å"Positive. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Report on The Killer Angels Essay Example For Students
Report on The Killer Angels Essay Report on The Killer AngelsReport on The Killer Angels by Michael ShaaraWhen an author writes a book he has a message that he is trying to getacross to the reader. This message is called a theme. In The Killer AngelsShaaras theme was freedom for the slaves. The Northerners truly believed thatthe slaves deserved to be free, and their desire to set slaves free was the cause ofthe Civil War. Just before the Battle of Gettysburg, Colonel LawrenceChamberlain of the 20th Maine gave a speech to a group of mutineers. He toldthem that the war in which they were fighting was unlike any war in history. Thewar in which they were fighting was not for money, property or power. It was awar to set other men free.After the battle began, Sergeant Tom Chamberlainasked a group of prisoners why they were fighting. They gave no answer, butasked him the same question. Sergeant Chamberlain answered, To free theslaves, of course. The South, however, was against freeing the slaves. The entireCivil War, wheth er the people were for or against the idea, was about freedom. The Killer Angels was informative, very fascinating and I liked it. I likedthe book because I learned many things from it. Id never thought much about theimportance of the Battle of Gettysburg until I read The Killer Angels. From thisbook I learned many things. I learned that the Battle of Gettysburg was the turningpoint of the Civil War. Prior to Gettysburg, the South had won most major battles. At Gettysburg, however, the North gained its first major victory. From then on,the North continued to gain momentum, winning virtually every battle for thefollowing two years of the war. The Battle of Gettysburg exhausted both armies;greatly decreasing their reserves of ammunition and soldiers. The North had morethan twice as many men as the South, and since the North was industrialized, theycould replenish their supplies of men and ammunition fairly quickly. The South,however, could not replenish their supplies quickly because of the lack ofindustrialization and manpower. The supplies lost in the Battle of Gettysburgultimately lost the war for the South. I also learned that Confederate General Robert E. Lee was not a goodmilitary tactician. Evidently, he thought that, as in most of the previous battles,the Confederate army could win this one with a series of charges. On the secondday of the Battle of Gettysburg, Lee ordered the first charge. In this charge,Confederate troops would make an uphill attack in an attempt to take a ridge fromthe Federal army. With an uphill advantage, the Federal troops drove theConfederate army into retreat. On the third day of battle, Lee ordered a chargethat would take his army across more than a mile of open field. On the other sideof the field, however, Federal troops released a continuous bombardment ofartillery as the Confederate troops made their way across. The Federal armywiped out most of the Confederate troops before they were halfway across thefield. By the time the remaining Confederates reached the Federal army theirnumbers were so small the Federal army had no trouble defeating them. A good commanding general would have seen that both charges were hopeless. In bothcases the Federal troops had fortified vantage points, while the Confederate armyhad no sufficient protection. Had Lee seen this, he would not have ordered thecharges. Instead, he was too confident of the ability of his army and hisoverconfidence led him to defeat.Before I read The Killer Angels I knew that the Civil War brought manyfriends to fight against friends and family to fight against family. Until I read TheKiller Angels, I never realized that this was true even in the higher ranks. GeneralHancock of the Federal army and General Armistad of the Confederate wereextremely good friends. Before the war they served together in California, butwhen they war began they parted ways. Throughout the Battle of Gettysburg, bothgenerals were constantly asking for permission to go under flag of truce to theopposing army hoping to see the other. During the battle both generals werewounded, and they never got another chance to see each other. General Armistadwas mortally wounded, and in his dying words he asked a messenger to send hisapologies to General Hancock that it had to end the way it did.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Symbols And Characters Of Bread Givers Essays - Bread Givers
Symbols And Characters Of Bread Givers Symbols and Characters of Bread Givers. One of the significant features of Jewish history throughout many centuries was migration. From the ancient pre-Roman times to medieval Spain to the present days the Jews were expelled from the countries they populated, were forced out by political, cultural and religious persecution, and sometimes were motivated to leave simply to escape economic hardship and to find better life for themselves and for their children. One of the interesting pages of Jewish history was a massive migration from Eastern Europe to America in the period between 1870 an 1920. In that period more than two million Jews left their homes in Russia, Poland, Galicia, and Romania and came to the New World. The heaviest volume of that wave of Jewish emigration came between 1904 and 1908, when more than 650 thousand Jewish emigrants came to the US. The Eastern European Jews fled from pogroms, religious persecution and economic hardship. We can learn about those times from history text books, but a better way to und erstand the feelings and thoughts of the struggling emigrants is to learn a story from an insider, who herself lived there and experienced first hand all the challenges and hardships of the emigrants' life. Anzia Yezierska's novel Bread Givers is a story that lets the reader to learn about the life of Jewish Emigrants in the early Twentieth Century on Manhattan's lower East Side through the eyes of a poor young Jewish woman who came from Poland and struggled to break out from poverty, from tyrant old traditions of her father, and to find happiness, security, love and understanding in the new country. The book is rich with symbolism. Different characters and situations in the novel symbolize different parts of the emigrants' community and challenges that they faced. The characters range from the father, the symbol of the Old World, to the mother who symbolizes struggles and hopelessness of the women of the Old World, to the sisters and their men, who together represent the choices an d opportunities that opened before the young generation of the Jewish emigrants in the New World. The father of the storyteller, Sarah Smolinsky, is an orthodox rabbi, Mosheh Smolinsky, with rigid old-fashioned conceptions, who cannot or simply does not make an effort to realize himself in America and spends his days poisoning lives of his family by preaching his useless wisdom, marrying off his daughters to men they don't love and living off wages the daughters earn. Father's old-fashioned sexist views about women clearly represent the Old World with its outdated traditions, and life-crippling laws. Practically everything he preaches is contradicted by his actions and later proves to be false. For example, when confronted by his wife about unpaid bills, he preaches that money is not important and that spiritual life guided by God's laws should be a goal of every human. Yet, later, when the time comes to merry off his daughters, the only thing he cares about is money. He does not care about his daughters' feelings. Their desires and opinions mean nothing to him. He thinks that wo men are dumb and are not capable to pick a right spouse. He also thinks that they don't deserve to make a choice and their happiness in marriage is not important. He vies all women, including his Daughters and wife, as brainless slaves, who are born to serve their men. It says in the Torah, only through a man has a woman an existence. he proclaims. So he sees the marriages of his daughters simply as business transactions between him and the highest bidder. The goal of the transaction is to provide the new husbands with servants and give him, the father, a material benefit in the future. He calls Sarah hard heart and blames her for deserting him, not working in his store, and not sending him part of her wages. He says that she is selfish, heartless, and does not remember all the good things that he did for her. Again, his actions contradict his words. In real life he was the selfish, lazy tyrant who refused to work, who did not support his family in any way, who put all
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Taking It Big by Steven Dandaneau
Taking It Big by Steven Dandaneau The age of postmodernism has brought many privileges with it. Most of the things done around the world could not be done a century ago. This can be attributed to widespread computerization, civilization and modernization. However, this age is also characterized by many hindrances to the human race. In this age, people no longer make independent decisions. They have allowed others to do the thinking for them. This is what has ruined the social imagination of many.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Taking It Big: Developing Sociological Consciousness in Postmodern Times by Steven Dandaneau specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In his book Taking it big: Developing sociological consciousness in postmodern times, Steven Dandaneau identifies the aspect of social imagination as the only way to prevent humans from being controlled by their surroundings. By using the term â€Å"Taking it big,†Dandaneau simply refers to the act of thinking in a broad manner without being under any influence. This is a term that he repeatedly uses throughout the entire book to urge all right-minded individuals to break away from the negligence that has engulfed today’s postmodern world. The author further perceives today’s world as one whose inhabitants have lost total control over their lives. Instead of relying on their own judgments, they let other influential people, and the media to decide the course of their actions. Dandaneau appears pessimistic in his perception of the current world. This is because he hardly makes any sense out of it. In fact, Dandaneau compares the life of today’s humans to that of fish, which are unaware of the happenings in the water around them. Dandaneau believes that the development of sociological imagination in human beings is the only way to save humanity. This is attributed to the fact that it enables one to look at the world from a reasonable point of view. With this type of imagination, Dandaneau guarantees that every person will be in a position to acquire the necessary knowledge and put it into practice. He purports that this particular imagination empowers everybody to act and think in a free manner by enabling them to acquire the myriad dimensions of cultural and social experience (Dandaneau, 2000). Dandaneau further believes that social imagination is bound to bring a revolution to the whole universe upon its inception. It will do this by enlightening the people about what life actually has in store for them. Dandaneau believes that if all youths in the world were to be introduced to the concept of social imagination, then they can transform the world.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to the author, Dandaneau is justified to view the current world the way he does. The writer fully concurs with him that the p ostmodern world has taken a delusional way of life that has ruined the intellectual capacity of many. It is apparent that today’s society hardly makes any significant society without the consideration of what other influential people or groups have to say about it. This has comprised the autonomy and freedom of choice of many. From the foregoing discussion, it is justifiably right to argue that Dandaneau’s book exhaustively explores the elusive culture of today’s society. In addition to that, Dandaneau posits that social imagination is the only remedy to get the world out of this deep slumber. Dandaneau presents his concepts and ideas in a captivating manner which heralds that imagination. Finally, the writer of this essay fully agrees with Dandaneau that today’s world lies in tatters as far as its thinking capacity is concerned. Reference List Dandaneau, S. (2000). Taking it Big: Developing sociological consciousness in postmodern times. California: Pine Forge Press.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Black Men, Atmosphere Changers Essays
Black Men, Atmosphere Changers Essays Black Men, Atmosphere Changers Essay Black Men, Atmosphere Changers Essay The mere presence of black men contain the power to invoke awe, discomfort and intimidation. This power, however, does not Justify the grossly apologetic attitude and extreme behavior modification that Brent Staples exercised for the simple purpose of alleviating the fears and suspicions aroused by the presence of a black man. Brent says he smothered the rage that surely would have turned to madness, he kept a wide distance from people on subways who appeared to be nervous especially during the wee hours, and even mores if he had changed from repressions attire into Shares. Brent, in his own words, allowed people to walk by so he didnt appear to be following them. In my opinion, this is overkill to accommodate the expectations and assuage the racially stereotypic and unrealistic suspicions of others. Smothering rage to prevent it from turning to madness is not only tantalizing but is an unnecessary, unreasonable emotion and expectation to tangle with for the mere purpose of fitting, functioning and thriving in ones rightful habitat of choice. Brent Staples concerted efforts to keep wide distances from people on subways who appeared to be nervous and allowing people to walk by so he didnt appear to be following them is equivalent to sacrificing freedom of expression and failing or neglecting to celebrate his God gifted image which is black with billowing hair, engaging, unique, captivating and yes, perhaps sometimes imposing. Repressing ones God given identity is a premium price to pay for not only the mere acceptance but the validation of ones existence. Staples during night walks down an empty street where one other person is present- a white woman acting petrified speeds up her pace, tightly reinforces her hold on her purse strap and eventually crosses to the other side of the street to escape the deadly harm this black man is sure to inflict upon her. At dark, shadowy intersections, crossing in front of a car stopped at traffic lights elicits thank, thank, thank, thank the sound of drivers black, white, male, or femalehammering down the locks on the doors of their cars. Standard unpleasantness with policemen, doormen, bouncers, cabdrivers, and others whose business it is to screen out troublesome individuals before there is any nastiness; pedestrians avoidance of eye contact; rushing into the office of a magazine I was writing for with a deadline story in hand, I was mistaken for a burglar these far out reactions to the presence of a black man brings into focus the following harsh realities: America continues to waddle in the the often inflammatory and outmoded tendency to racially profile and territory black men. Some of these very same issues appear to be responsible for igniting the recent Travois Martin controversy. As I examine and assess the behavior altering measures enacted by Staples, answers to the following questions inundate my thoughts. Whose perception needs tweaking? Whose reality is twisted? Is it Brent Staples or those reacting to the presence of a black man who stand to benefit most from behavior modification? Righteously and innately embedded in the sometimes intimidation.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Determination of nitrogen dioxide content of the atmosphere Lab Report
Determination of nitrogen dioxide content of the atmosphere - Lab Report Example Apparatus include sampling probe, absorber, gas drying tube, air-metering device, thermometer, manometer, air pump, spectrophotometer, and stopwatch. Reagent grade chemicals have been used. Water free from nitrite and deionized according to specification D 1193 for type I or II reagent water has been used. Anhydrous sulfanilic acid has been used as the absorbing reagent, N-(1-Naphthyl)-Ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride stock solution (0.1 percent), Sodium Nitrite standard solution (0.0246 g/L) and NO2 permeation device were reagents and materials that were used in the experiment. 5.0012 g of anhydrous sulfanilic acid was dissolved in 1 L of water containing 140 mL glacial acetic acid. The process was gently heated to speed up the process. 20 mL of the of N-(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine dihydrochloride 0.1 % stock solution and 10 mL acetone were added, and diluted to 1 L. 0.1 g of the reagent was dissolved in 100 mL water.Calibration and StandardizationThe flowmeter was calibrated using practice D 3195. The gas meter was calibrated using test method D 1071. Standardization was based on observation. 0.82 mol of NaNO2 produced the same color as 1 mol NO2. 1 mL working standard solution contains 24.6 Â µg NaNO2. The amount of NO2 given by (24.6/69.1)x(46.0/0.82), which is 20 Â µg NO2. Standard conditions of 101 kPa and 25C were taken, and the molar gas volume was 24.47L (ASTM International 3). Graduated amounts of NaNO2 solution were added to a series of 25mL volumetric flasks up to 1 mL.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Fashion Journalism, reporting in high-heels Essay
Fashion Journalism, reporting in high-heels - Essay Example The essay "Fashion Journalism, reporting in high-heels" concerns the fashion journalism. Under more frequently than not deal with "trends" and "tendencies" that are personal, and in attachment with some tenuous attachment with the details, the expression "journalism" is employed as a nickname, but does not convey general procedural and ethical facets of expert journalism. Work Fashion journalist can be rather varied. Typical work encompasses composing or revising items, or to aid in the design and mode of the Fashion shoot. Fashion journalist normally expends much time revising and / or carrying out interviews, and it is very significant that she or he has good associates with people in the Fashion business, encompassing designers, photographers, public relations and technicians. This study examines the connection between Fashion in newspapers and Fashion coverage and the UK displays that such coverage in the huge most developed by the PR, to the span, that there is little unaligned journalism Fashion actually does exist. Despite the detail that the presented review of report causes sharp to the expanding leverage of PR on the content of the media, the connection between journalism and Fashion stayed attention and unstudied. However, the amount of Fashion content in the newspapers of Great Britain has expanded considerably over the past two decades, and actually retains an important amount of space, far after the Fashion sheets and supplements. Fashion journalists, on the other side will stay at a grade. ... More Media = More Potential Fashion journalism is no longer concentrated on composing characteristics for newspapers and magazines, but now encompasses a kind of functions. In supplement to composing and revising, you are open for the design of photo shoots, public relatives, study, meetings and design. Numbers of media have furthermore expanded after just composing for publish, to online magazines, websites, TV and blogs. Even with added choices, Fashion journalism is more comparable in the vocation application and takes many of exercise. Bivins, T. H But if you're eager to put in an hour of hard work and little free work, you can absolutely make your way to the top. Nature of the target audience  Fashion journalist, a journalist and professional investigator, who aim on tendencies in the quickly increasing Fashion industry. Depending on their location of work, the work may have distinct responsibilities. Hines, et al. Some journalists spend most of their time in the agency, bro wsing the Internet assets, and carrying out phone and internet note interviews. It is significant to Fashion journalist to have very good connection abilities and proficiency to supply intriguing data for a broad audience through phrases and pictures. The Art of Fashion Journalism Reporting on the topic "Financial Times Fashion reviewer Vanessa Friedman notifies me; influential detractor of Fashion International Herald Tribune acquiesces, noting that newspaper journalism is no distinct from any other kind of journalism. Writing about Fashion counts on the exact inquiry on one edge of Fashion - apparel, accessories, luxury pieces, but on the other hand, the Fashion business in a market economy. Clothing has a communal function, as Miles, Steven recalls me: "Clothes manage not
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Work Study In Business Essay Example for Free
Work Study In Business Essay Discuss the reasons why modern organisations engaged in the construction and property industries should use ‘work study’ in their business. The reasons why a modern organisation should use ‘work study’ in their business can be determined because of the potential benefits it can provide to the efficient running of the organisation. Work study is the systematic study of processes or operations to ensure the more efficient use of human and resources that are available. It is also known as the time/motion study and since its introduction; it has developed the course of instituting standard times with the motion study improving work methods by involving different techniques. With the refining and integration of these two techniques it become a generally accepted method for the improvement and advancement in work processes and systems that are used within the construction and property industries as well as many others involved in production. The quantitative analysis of time study leads to establishing a time standard. The qualitative analysis for motion study of a work station leads to the improvement or design of an activity or operation. Work study resulted from amalgamating concepts and practices which were developed by F.W. Taylor and by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. The aspects that are important in the work study are the evaluation of human work, work measurement techniques are designed to create how long it will take a qualified worker to perform a specific job at a certain level of performance. Construction and property companies can use the work study to establish the necessity for the process of estimating labour, necessary remuneration and incentives for staff. The basic approach to this method will incorporate the procedure of: Select (The work to be studied), Record (The relevant facts), Examine (the facts critically), Develop (the most effective method), Install (the new method) and Maintain (by performing regular checks). Work study is used to show the required effort and time that is required to perform particular tasks and when more efficient ways of doing the task. The task can usually be broken down into different motions and how long an average worker takes to perform these motions is then measured by using a camera and stop watch. It can be seen from the history of work study that the methods of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth sort out to find the best method of doing a specific job, in his experience of bricklaying he noticed his instructor was using three different set of motions when laying bricks, when he started his own business he introduced several procedures which improved the motion pattern and increased productivity from 120 bricks laid per hour up to 350. In my line of work we carry out surveys on behalf of institutions such as the NHS for space and usage, by using a form of the work study over a period of between a week and a month we analyse the occupancy of the rooms and whether they are empty, under, fully or over used. Once this information has been collected, collated and analysed then we can see where savings for the particular trust can be made. This can be based upon economic, technical or human conditions, whether they are planning on downsizing/merging or moving to larger premises, whether the space is fully utilised or if it is up to the minimum requirements for standard working conditions. A rating can then be identified for each aspect and other reviews are compared allowing for decisions to be made and improvements can then be implemented. The results of the study can be integrated into the time and effectiveness of how people use their time and whether or not it is fully utilised and then whether there are better working practice methods that can be identified and implemented. By integrating this approach to improve the work system which is known as methods engineering it can be applied to many other construction or property organisations. The work study uses both the time and motion study together to ensure that the results are both rational and reasonable are achieved, in order for this to be successful it is of significant importance that the study of motion is fully understood so that when applying it to the time study so that the results are as accurate as possible. However with construction projects lacking repetitive operations to monitor and due to numerous variable factors, such as the weather and change of labour, this will affect how work is performed, it is only generally provided as a guide to quantitative figures which should be included in other management tools. The time study measures how long is required in order to perform a specific task by an average work with a specified method, if a new work method is introduced then a time study needs to be changed in line with the new method. By analysing the different work methods and the equipment that is used when a job is performed then a more optimum and standardised method can be introduced. This method will contribute towards the search for better and improved methods, whilst ensuring optimum working procedures and effective use of management utilisation tools to help achieve higher productivity. In relation to my work place it was noticed that time and effort was being wasted due to a lack of a suitable and sufficient filing system; files were regularly misplaced and no backup records were kept. By analysing these ineffective methods it was evident that improvements were needed and therefore following this study and more effective and efficient system was put into place which addressed all the identified problems in the study. The benefits of work study is to have an increase in operational efficiency and productivity, reduce manufacturing costs, improve the work place layout, provide better capacity and manpower planning, provide fair benefits and conditions to employees, improve the work flow, reduce handling cost of materials, provide a performance standard to measure the efficiency of the labour force, improve industrial and employee morale, provide a better basis for any incentive schemes and more job satisfaction for employees.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Factors Affecting Learning Essay -- A Level Essays
Factors Affecting Learning To distinguish a student by their learning style, there must first be a review of the student’s abilities and the factors affecting their learning. When reviewing these factors there will be a sense of when the students responses are more consistent and help a teacher figure out when a student learns the best and how they learn as an individual. There are six different things that could affect the learning of a student: brain processing, senses, physical needs, environment, social needs, and emotional attitudes (Creative learning,1997). How a student processes information is determined by the left or right brain. A left brain thinker is very analytical. They tend to do things logically and step-by-step. They concentrate hard on details and are highly sequential in taking in new information. A student who thinks with their right brain is holistic, or thinks in wholes rather then analysis or separation of parts (Oxford, 2001). Right brain thinkers prefer a whole picture of an idea and not interested in the details. They also process information simultaneously. There are also reflective and impulsive thinkers. Reflective thinkers like to have time to consider and debate everything before making a decision. Whereas, impulsive thinkers make quick decisions with very little thought and based on very little information (Encarta, 2002). There are four ways to learn with the senses. They are: auditory, visual, tactile, and kinesthetic. When asking an educator whether the all the students learn the same they will say â€Å"No†. However, that knowledge isn’t brought into a classroom. A classroom is normally 90% lecture and question and answering, but only two or three students will... ... Database. Manner, Barbara M. (2001). Learning Styles and Multiple intelligences in students. Journal of College Science Teaching. 30(6) p 390-93. retrieved April 7, 2003 from Eric/Ebsco database. Website: Gardner, Howard. (2001). Project Sumit. Retrieved May 1, 2003. from Creative Learning. (1997). Period Model. Retrieved May 2, 2003. from ng=&cs=NZ%24&cr=1&theme=main Magazine: Sears, Dr. (2001). Your child and School. Retrieved May 1, 2003. from Carol, Gina. (1999). Multiple Intelligences and Tests. Retrieved May 2, 2003. from Educational Dictionary: Encarta. (2002). Learning and Your child. Retrieved May 1, 2003. from
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Null Hypothesis
Why We Don’t â€Å"Accept†the Null Hypothesis by Keith M. Bower, M. S. and James A. Colton, M. S. Reprinted with permission from the American Society for Quality When performing statistical hypothesis tests such as a one-sample t-test or the AndersonDarling test for normality, an investigator will either reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis, based upon sampled data. Frequently, results in Six Sigma projects contain the verbiage â€Å"accept the null hypothesis,†which implies that the null hypothesis has been proven true.This article discusses why such a practice is incorrect, and why this issue is more than a matter of semantics. Overview of Hypothesis Testing In a statistical hypothesis test, two hypotheses are evaluated: the null (H0) and the alternative (H1). The null hypothesis is assumed true until proven otherwise. If the weight of evidence leads us to believe that the null hypothesis is highly unlikely (based upon probability theory), then we hav e a statistical basis upon which we may reject the null hypothesis. A common misconception is that statistical hypothesis tests are designed to select the more likely of two hypotheses.Rather, a test will stay with the null hypothesis until enough evidence (data) appears to support the alternative. The amount of evidence required to â€Å"prove†the alternative may be stated in terms of a confidence level (denoted X%). The confidence level is often specified before a test is conducted as part of a sample size calculation. We view the confidence level as equaling one minus the Type I error rate (? ). A Type I error is committed when the null hypothesis is incorrectly rejected. An ? value of 0. 05 is typically used, corresponding to 95% confidence levels.The p-value is used to determine if enough evidence exists to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative. The p-value is the probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis. The two possible conclusions, af ter assessing the data, are to: 1. Reject the null hypothesis (p-value ? ) and conclude that there is not enough evidence to state that the alternative is true at the pre-determined confidence level of X%. Note that it is possible to state the alternative to be true at the lower confidence level of 100*(1 – p-value)%. Ronald A.Fisher succinctly discusses the key point of our paper: In relation to any experiment we may speak of†¦ the â€Å"null hypothesis,†and it should be noted that the null hypothesis is never proved or established, but is possibly disproved, in the course of experimentation. Every experiment may be said to exist only in order to give the facts a chance of disproving the null hypothesis. 1 A Helpful Analogy: The U. S. Legal System Consider the example of the legal system in the United States of America. A person is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.We may state this particular decision-making process in the form of a hypo thesis test, as follows: H0: Person is innocent vs. H1: Person is not innocent (i. e. , guilty) The responsibility then falls upon the prosecution to build a case to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. It should be borne in mind that a jury will never find a person to be â€Å"innocent. †The defendant would be found â€Å"not guilty†in such a situation; i. e. , the jury has failed to reject the null hypothesis. Decisions Based on Data We must keep in mind, of course, that it is always possible to draw an incorrect conclusion based upon sampled data.There are two kinds of error we can make: †¢ Type I error. When the null hypothesis is rejected, practitioners refer to the Type I error when they present results, using language such as: â€Å"We reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level,†or â€Å"We reject the null hypothesis at the 95% confidence level. ††¢ Type II error. A second possible mistake involves incorrectly failing t o reject the null hypothesis. The power of a test is defined as one minus the Type II error rate, and is therefore the probability of correctly rejecting H0. The sample size plays an important role in determining the statistical power of a test.When statisticians address small sample sizes, they often refer to the power to justify their concerns. One may argue that the sample size would be too low to correctly detect a difference from the hypothesized value, if that difference truly existed. Example of a Test with Low Power Consider a test that compares the mean of a process to a target value. The null and alternative hypotheses are, respectively: H0: Process mean on target vs. H1: Process mean different from target Suppose two observations are collected daily to monitor for a change in the process mean (i. e. , n = 2). Assume a one-sample t-test is carried out at the ? 0. 05 significance level (95% confidence level) and the resulting p-value is above 0. 05. Fig. 1 One-Sample t-Test As is shown in Figure 1, there is less than a 50% chance (power = 0. 4944) such a test will correctly reject the null hypothesis even when the difference between the process mean and the target is six standard deviations. This is obviously an enormous statistical difference, yet the test (owing to the small sample size) would not be sensitive to it. The danger in concluding the process is on target with a sample size of two, for this example, is evident. ImplicationsAssessing and relaying findings in a cogent manner is critical for Six Sigma practitioners. In statistical hypothesis testing procedures, this means that investigators should avoid misleading language such as that which implies â€Å"acceptance†of the null hypothesis. Reference th 1. Ronald A. Fisher, The Design of Experiments, 8 ed. (New York: Hafner Publishing Company Inc. , 1966), 17. Bibliography 1. Lenth, Russell V. â€Å"Some Practical Guidelines for Effective Sample Size Determination. †The Americ an Statistician 55, no. 3 (2001): 187-193. 2. Tukey, John W. â€Å"Conclusions vs. Decisions. †Technometrics 2, no. 4 (1960): 423433.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Racialization of savagery Essay
In his essay ‘The Tempest in the Wilderness: The Racialization of Slavery’, Ronald Takaki (1992) discusses how savagery as generally understood by Europeans since the early seventeenth century became identified with and synonymous to the races of Native Americans and transplanted Africans. He shows how this historical construction of savagery proceeded from a general understanding of civilization as similar with and synonymous to being European. He demonstrates in the historical experience that he examines the creation of the binary opposition ‘European-civilized/Others-savage’. He used The Tempest, the play by William Shakespeare, as a starting point in delivering his argument. He says that the play â€Å"can be approached as a fascinating tale about the creation of a new society in America. †As a play, as literature, as a work of art, The Tempest inevitably drew upon prevailing, if not dominant, perceptions of Europeans colonizers’ encounter with Native Americans. Europeans after all have not been at that time exposed to such people, and those who were indeed exposed were but a minority of the population. The existing conditions therefore allowed, if not forced, a narrow, one-sided and ethnocentric appreciation of the Indians. This is the context of The Tempest. The play was written after the first encounter with American Indians but before the full-scale colonization of New England began. In the play, the main character Prospero encountered Caliban – a beastly creature that captures the stereotype of Native Americans. Caliban’s appearance is deformed and dark, and his behavior is savage. He personified ‘a born devil’ who belonged to a ‘vile race’. He represented intellectual incapacity as well as nature in its raw form. He is therefore the diametrical opposite of Prospero – intelligent, civilized, and normal-looking and therefore European, driven by lofty principles. The Native Americans in New England were racially different from the Europeans. They were viewed as representatives of backwardness and inefficiency, different from and opposed to the modernity and technological advancement represented by Europeans. They reminded the English colonizers of the Irish savages because they were tribal and pagan. Their economic system appeared to the English colonizers as the primitive ancestor of the latter’s manufacturing system. The Indians had a dark complexion, lived in the forests and were open sexually. â€Å"Christianity, cities, letters, clothing and swords†– these, according to Takaki, are the things Europeans considered as hallmarks of civilization – their civilization – which Indians however lacked. Indians were seen as driven by wild passions, and not led by intellect, as Europeans thought about themselves (Weinberg 2003). Historical developments built upon this largely negative perception of American Indians to the detriment of the latter. The New England area was later to be occupied by English settlers who were devout Protestants and who condemned the American Indians as heathens. The American Indians were later to be called a ‘demonic race’ that is associated with evil. The Protestant English sought to reaffirm and strengthen their moral beliefs by defining these against the beliefs and practices of the American Indians. They are not American Indians and they must strive never to become similar with these people. They believed that the diseases afflicting large sections of the American Indian population were God’s way of punishing and destroying pagans, as well as of paving the way for God’s people to settle and reside in the lands of these peoples. When embroiled in conflicts over rightful ownership of lands, English settlers fell back on their religious beliefs, believing that it was their ‘Puritan destiny’ to occupy those lands. They even claimed that by not using their lands, the American Indians were merely wasting these. In short, economic contradictions between the two peoples worked to reinforce the racialization of savagery as a Native American character. In many ways, the appreciation of Africans by the European colonizers were similar to the latter’s appreciation of the Indians. There were also differences, however. The dark skin of the Africans by itself, and especially when understood as ‘black’, sets off into motion various cultural connotations for Europeans. Darkness or blackness often signifies evil, sinister or wicked forces in English culture. Africans were viewed as a baser, primal and lesser people who deserve to serve Europeans. The physical strength of Africans, in the context within which they were encountered by the Europeans, appeared to the European settlers as a form of threat. The Africans were therefore thought of as needing to be subjugated and controlled, tamed and enslaved. They embodied nature, not culture. This largely negative perception of Africans was reinforced later by succeeding developments. If they were initially perceived as slaves, slave-like, or deserving to be slaves, Africans were later to become slaves, thanks to complications in the class system of the English settlers. The English aristocracy demanded labor to capitalize on the growing tobacco demand. Landowners on the other hand depended on indentured servants, both black and white. The indentured servants aspired to become wealthy themselves, but were repressed to minimize competition for land and increase the supply of white laborers. This resulted in the Bacon’s Rebellion of 1676, in which lower-class workers fought the landowners. For depending on white labor, the landowners felt threatened. It is here that slaves from Africa came as a convenient way to address the problem. Africans can become slaves without the right to bear arms and assemble at meetings that were given to white laborers (Halford 1999). So the racialization of savagery is the outcome of a complex historical process that involved the encounter of two different cultures, societies, and economic and political systems – wherein one is debased from the perspective of the other whose identity came to be built upon the debasement. Important in this process is the uneven economic and military power between the two collectivities, as this factor determines whose perspective shall become dominant and shall persist among the two perspectives that naturally go with the two races. The racialization of savagery constitutes and is in turn constituted by, various cultural forms as exemplified by The Tempest. The participation of cultural forms in the racialization of savagery, though in a different but related contex, is also clarified in the influential book of Edward W. Said titled Orientalism (1979). 2. Compare the Land-Allotment Strategy used with the Choctaw’s with the Treaty Strategy that was applied to the Cherokee. What are the key differences between both approaches to Indian lands? Do they share any similarities? What were the outcomes of each strategy? Both the Land-Allotment Strategy used with the Choctaws and the Treaty Strategy used with the Cherokees continued and carried to conclusion the Europeans’ earlier deceitful and brutal strategies in dealing with American Indians. Weinberg (2003) reports that the communal society of the Indians was converted by the white settlers into a ‘plunder’ society: Many of the Indians lived as a community. They depended on hunting for buffalos. They planted corn, which served as their staple food. The Indians were an intelligent and civilized people. They had a civilization, even if this did not conform to and imitated what the white settlers considered as civilization – which, to their mind, means their civilization. Wars were waged against the Indians to get their land and subdue their labor. European fur traders even used whiskey to greatly weaken the sense of discretion of Indians in matters pertaining to trade. To get their lands, repression through legal means, as well as death squads, was used against them (Weinberg 2003). Historically, both the Land-Allotment Strategy used with the Choctaws and the Treaty Strategy used with the Cherokees were implemented under the â€Å"Indian Removal Act†. This act was campaigned for by US President Andrew Jackson in both houses of Congress. This piece of legislation gave the president the free hand to discuss the removal treaties with Indian tribes occupying the eastern part of the Mississippi river. Under these treaties, the Indians were to surrender their lands in exchange for lands in the west of the Mississippi river. Those wishing to remain in the east, the act claims, would be considered as citizens of their home states. The process was supposed to be voluntary and peaceful. When the southeastern nations resisted, however, US President Jackson used force to make the Indian nations leave their lands. He was initially trusted by the Indians but was later exposed and condemned as a traitor to their cause (â€Å"Indian Removal†, n. d. ) Some points on the Land-Allotment Strategy used with the Choctaws: ? The Choctaws were the first to sign a removal treaty. ? The Treaty of the Dancing Rabbit Creak promised to give individual families the liberty to stay and live amidst white people by giving them a land grant. ? Those who stayed were given some protection by the War Department, though it proved no match to the white population which squatted in Chotaws territory and those who cheated Choctaws of their land. ? President Andrew Jackson initially promised to protect those who stayed, only to say later that he cannot guard the boundaries he set. ? Those who stayed ran out of money and had to borrow from white land-owning families. As a result, they got into debt, had to sell their lands, and moved west. ? This is the reason why whites think that they are not to blame and are without fault in relation to the poverty and eventual exodus of the Indians. They make it appear that it is the Indians who are responsible for their decision later on to go to a different land. ? The migration of the Choctaws occurred during the winter, causing many to get sick and die (Wright and Fernandez, 1999). Some points on the Treaty Strategy used with the Cherokees: ? The legislature of Georgia orders Cherokee lands to be absorbed by the federal government. ? They were tricked into signing an illegitimate treaty. This treaty promised individual Cherokees a payment of $3. 2 million in exchange for their lands. (SHSU, n. d. ) ? In 1833, a small faction agreed to sign the Treaty of New Echota, a removal treaty. The leaders of this group were not the recognized leaders of the tribe. ? More than 15,000 Cherokees signed a petition in protest to the Treaty of New Echota. The Supreme Court, however, ignored the protests and ratified the treaty. ? The Cherokees were given two years to voluntarily migrate. If they fail to migrate after two years, the ruling says, force will be used to remove them. By 1838, however, only 2,000 members of the tribe have transferred, and 16,000 members remained in the land. ? The US government sent in 7,000 white troops. The Cherokees were not allowed to pack up their belongings, and the white troops looted their homes. ? This resulted in the march known as the Trail of Tears, which in reality is an exodus from the violence inflicted by the white settlers. The Trail of Tears lasted until winter, killing more than 4,000 Cherokees on their way to another land. (â€Å"Indian Removal†, n. d. ). The similarities between the two approaches are more striking than the differences. Both approaches merely continued and carried to conclusion the Europeans’ earlier deceitful and brutal treatment of the Indians. Both are premised on the drive to remove Indians from their lands. Both started off by dividing the particular Indian populations. Both inflicted suffering on the section of the Indian population that stayed in their lands. Both ended up with whites owning Indian land, and with Indians getting sick and dying on their way to a different land. Both used laws and treaties that pretended to work for the Indians, but in reality facilitated the transfer of their lands to the white settlers. These laws and treaties also made it appear that Indians had genuine choices at that time and that they are solely responsible for their actions. The approaches not only exemplify ‘divide-and-rule’ tactics used by European colonizers against peoples they colonize. The approaches also demonstrate the brutality with which colonial conquest was carried out by Europeans against peoples they perceive as ‘others’. The differences between the two approaches hinge on one significant factor: The resistance of the Cherokees. Because the Cherokees resisted, they were treated as a group, not as individual families as in the case of the Choctaws. This is the context of the attempt to buy off individual families for such a preposterously huge sum. Because they resisted, their occupancy of their land was extended, unlike that of the Choctaws. Because they resisted, they were met with a force more violent than that encountered by the Choctaws. 3. Possession of land is a recurring theme throughout the nineteenth century. Discuss how the differing relationships to the land typically experienced by European immigrants and their descendents, Native Americans, African slaves, post-bellum African Americans, and Mexicans contributed to the relative successes of these different ethnic groups. The possession of land is widespread in the 19th century. European immigrants did not come to America to occupy vacant land but to a territory inhabited by different ethnic groups (Zinn, 1980). The American ruling elite as well as the upperclass Europeans emerged many times richer after grabbing land from other peoples. The white who had the resources to carry out land grabbing deprived people of their land. The descendants of European immigrants, hereafter, inherited the land that was stolen from others. The countless peoples (number reaching millions) coming from ethnic groups had this in common: they did not have ownership of the land that they had occupied and developed for hundreds of years. How it was taken from them also has this central theme- war. It was by force that their land was taken from them. Behind this coercive measure is the drive for private property. European occupation, therefore, involved stories of massacre, deception and brutality (Zinn, 1980). In sum, the differing relationship to the land by European immigrants and their descendents and Native Americans, African slaves, post-bellum African Americans and Mexicans was that of ownership of land. The ethnic groups were either driven out of their land, or were made to stay and develop the land but were not allowed to partake in its bountiful resources. The result of this differing relationship is that the rich became richer and the poor became poorer. What would emerge different from these ethnic groups, on the other hand, is how they fought the war for land. The internal and external conditions of their struggles result to their varying success in social status. Relative to each ethnic group the difference is minimal. Relative to European immigrants, the gap is wide. However, in the event of monopoly capitalism, different ethnic groups would all experience exploitation of greater scope and magnitude than any point in history. The Case of Indians In the 19th century, the movement of whites pressured national government to conduct aggressive activity to Indians to drive them out of their land. The removal of Indians opened the vast lands of America to agriculture then to market, then to money, and then to the development of modern capitalist economy -which is essentially an economy characterized with the surplus of good and the phenomenon of superprofit. The places involved in the violent dispossession of land were Louisiana (purchased from France), North Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, Georgia, Missisipi and Florida (Zinn, 1980). The Case of Mexicans US government troops were ordered to occupy the territory inhabited by Mexicans. The latter were murdered in their own soil. Some of the soldiers including commanding officers were reluctant but few showed opposition in executing orders. Although racism was widespread among Americans, the killings did not receive popular support. The places involved in the violent dispossession of land were California, Texas, New Mexico and Louisiana. Mexico surrendered to US and was later paid $15 million. US propaganda later professed that fortunately they have taken nothing by conquest (Zinn, 1980) The Case of African American In 19th century, slavery of blacks was abolished in principle. In practice, however, they remained subjected to the oppressive conditions in plantation systems. They were still whipped and punished as forms of discipline in work. The places involved in the oppression of blacks based on land were New Orleans, South Carolina, Virgina, among others. The event of large-scale production in plantation brought about many uprisings of black people. Some ran away individually to escape their white master’s exploitation. But, it was through collective resistance and armed insurrection that black people received vast support that even electoral candidates including President Lincoln had to make a pretense of giving black and white equal access to land and all the wealth and rights that go with it (Zinn, 1980). Conclusion There is no doubt that the need for land is real and practical. But in a society ruled by competition and insatiable drive for more wealth, this human need was transformed to the murder of millions of people who are mostly colored. The ruling class in America during the 19th century argued that this conquest is justifiable because the white man is far superior to any other race. But history proves they were only superior militarily (Zinn, 1980). And they used this instrument of force to oppress other peoples. The history of white man supremacy is still propagated to this very day by the most powerful men in modern capitalists. The US government and its propaganda network in media and academe argue that taking land from other people, despite its bloodshed, can be justified with the emergence of a more progressive US. The ethnic groups, on the other hand, are more refined culturally and richer economically. This claim, of course, is but a distortion of history. If there is any real progress among these ethnic groups, it is the result of their struggle against their oppressors. Futhermore, it is not the American people as a whole that benefited from the systematic land grabbing from ethnic groups by the government. Ordinary Americans had to work hard for what they have; it was not given to them by the government. They were even sent to wars for the sake of the rich. In sum, the relative success of different ethnic groups was brought about by their struggle for land and all the wealth that comes with it. There was never a â€Å"United States or a community of people with common interest if we mean a â€Å"national interest†represented by the government, the development of capitalism or the dominant culture (Zinn, 1980). The differing relationships to the land experienced by European immigrants and their descendents, compared to the native Americans, African slaves, post-bellum African Americans, and Mexicans result to the formation of different people bounded with similar interests and common struggles, and contribute to the formation of movements which, as a whole, create a battling arena against modern capitalism. REFERENCES Halford, Joan Montgomery. (1999) â€Å"A Different Mirror: A Conversation with Ronald Takaki†Understanding Race, Class and Culture. Vol. 56, No. 7. April. http://www. ascd. org/ed_topics/el199904_halford. html â€Å"Indian removal†. n. d. Public Broadcasting Service. Retrieved 21 Aug. 2006 from http://www. pbs. org/wgbh/aia/part4/4p2959. html Said, Edward W. (1979) Orientalism. New York: Pantheon. Takaki, Ronald. (1992) The Tempest in the Wilderness: The Racialization of Savagery. The Journal of American History, vol. 79, no. 3, December, 892-912. Weinberg, Meyer. (2003) A Short History of American Capitalism. USA: New History Press. Retrieved August 16, 2006, from http://newhistory. org Zinn, Howard. (1980) A People’s History of the United States. USA: Harper & Row Publishers. Wright, Dawin and Dr. Ramona Fernandez. Sept. 16, 1999. ATL 125-13 American Ethnic and Racial Experience. Retrieved 21 Aug 2006 from http://www. msu. edu/user/wright96/essay2b. htm
Friday, November 8, 2019
Get Access to 200+ Grammar Exercises and Quizzes
Get Access to 200+ Grammar Exercises and Quizzes Get Access to 200+ Grammar Exercises and Quizzes Get Access to 200+ Grammar Exercises and Quizzes By Daniel Scocco When we launched the DailyWritingTips Pro subscription six months ago, our main goal was to create a resource our readers could use to improve their English and writing skills. The feedback we received far exceeded our expectations, so it seems we are on the right track. The main part of the Pro subscription are the exercises and quizzes. Subscribers get a new exercise every day, and they also get access to the archive of over 200 interactive exercises that have been published already. Here are some of the topics our exercises and quizzes cover: -Pronoun Usage -Confused Words -Irregular Verbs -Prepositions -Comma Usage -Hyphenation -Wordiness -If Clauses -Nominalization -Compound Nouns -Possessives -Verb Tense -Capitalization -Dangling Modifiers -Expletives -Colons and Semicolons -Subject-Verb Agreement -Quotation Marks -Parallel Constructions -Misspelled Words -Idiomatic Expressions -Redundancy -Prefixes and Suffixes We offer a 15-day free trial, so you have two weeks to try everything out completely free, and only then decide whether or not the subscription is right for you. Click here to get all the details and join! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Idioms About NumbersWhat is the Difference Between Metaphor and Simile?9 Forms of the Past Tense
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
French Adverbs ~ Les Adverbes
French Adverbs ~ Les Adverbes An adverb, one of the eight parts of speech, is an invariable word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Adverbs provide information about the words they modify, such as when, where, how, how often, or to what degree something is done. See the list of some common French adverbs at the end of this lesson. Word Order with Adverbs In English, adverb placement can be arbitrary: some adverbs may be found in front of or after the verb, or even at the beginning or end of the sentence. This is not often the case in French, which has much stricter rules about placement. The following rules apply to the majority of situations, but there are exceptions. For detailed information, see my lesson on the placement of French adverbs.1. When a French adverb modifies a verb, it is placed after the conjugated verb. Nous avons bien mang. We ate well. Je regarde souvent la tl le soir. I often watch TV in the evening. Often, I watch TV in the evening. I watch TV in the evening often.   2. When an adverb modifies an adjective or another adverb, it is placed in front of the word it is modifying. Je suis profondment mu. I am deeply moved. Nous avons trs bien mang. We ate very well. Common French Adverbs Nearly every French word that ends in -ment is an adverb, and its English equivalent almost always ends in -ly: gà ©nà ©ralement - generally. For more information, please see adverbs of manner. Here are some of the most common French adverbs: French English Type of adverb actuellement currently adverb of time assez quite, fairly adverb of quantity aujourdhui today adverb of time aussi as comparative adverb beaucoup a lot adverb of quantity bien well adverb of manner bientt soon adverb of time dj already adverb of time demain tomorrow adverb of time enfin finally adverb of time ensuite next, then adverb of time heureusement fortunately adverb of manner hier yesterday adverb of time ici here adverb of place l there adverb of place l-bas over there adverb of place longtemps for a long time adverb of time maintenant now adverb of time mal poorly adverb of manner moins less comparative adverb parfois sometimes adverb of frequency partout everywhere adverb of place peu few, little adverb of quantity plus more, ___-er comparative adverb quelque part somewhere adverb of place rarement rarely adverb of frequency souvent often adverb of frequency tard late adverb of time tt early adverb of time toujours always adverb of frequency trs very adverb of quantity trop too much adverb of quantity vite quickly adverb of manner
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Free Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Free Speech - Essay Example The concept of free speech is one which is initiated as it protects the right of human beings to have a sense of freedom. When one is able to express themselves through communication, thoughts and opinions, it becomes a freedom. This is furthered by the ability to protect the communication and the rights of individuals to the expression. The meaning of free speech isn’t one which is based on the opinions or ideals of an individual. Instead, it is the freedom of communication and expression which remains important. If this is regulated or taken away, then it creates a lack of freedom of expression and impacts the level of freedom which one has. If the freedom of speech is taken away, it ultimately leads away from having a free society in one of the most important forms of expression and communication (Sedler, 377). The concept of living in a free society through the use of expression and communication is furthered with the ideal of using communication as a way for an individual to protect other rights. If one is able to make a statement about what is wrong in a given situation, then this becomes a protection toward a given situation or circumstance.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Action Plan for a Learning Organization Assignment
Action Plan for a Learning Organization - Assignment Example For example, the communications department may consist of employees whose skills are not equal. Some may be good in editing; some are better in copy writing and so on. The company should facilitate different skills training to help the employees level off their skills to help each other to finish their designated tasks. Communication systems are innate in any given organizations or companies. To â€Å"develop communication†system is redundant, the better option is evaluate whether the existing communication system is efficient or not. The graphics and design depart speak a different language from the communications team but their workloads are distinct but not separate that’s why the communication system must be open and improved. Communication system and processes differ per department because their functions are different as well. On the other hand, departments are inter-dependent that’s why the improvement of communication system is necessary. For example, the communication department has an entirely different purpose and function to the human resource department. A capacity building training and company orientation for the employees is needed to achieve this Some employees may only be concerned on the matters of their department without appreciating their department’s relevance to other department. The company should facilitate harmony and unity among its workers. It is insignificant if all employees know each other’s work deliverables especially if they don’t have anything to do with it. Gossiping may arise if all the information per department will be known or made available to all. For example, the communications, public relations and media team should foster open communication lines because their workloads are interrelated. However, it is still pleasant to have open communication lines among different departments. For example for a long time a company has been using Microsoft Office but
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Business Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Business Law - Case Study Example During the exam, Grothe asked Eelbode to do an exercise and during it Eelbode experienced immediate sharp and burning pain in his lower back and down the back of his right leg. Consequently, Eelbode filed a suit in a Washington state court against Grothe and Chec, claiming that he was injured because of an improperly administered back torso strength test. Based on the exculpatory document signed by Eelbode, Grothe and Chec filed a motion for summary judgment. The issue is whether the court should grant the motion and consider the exculpatory clause valid. RULE:Â An adhesion contract is a legally binding contract, presented by one party to the other in a standardized form which contains clauses written exclusively by one party, without them being properly negotiated with the other party. This is the result of unequal bargaining power and causes unfair consequences to the adhering party. APPLICATION: The agreement signed between Norbert Eelbode and Grothe and Chec is an adhesion contract which did not offer Norbert the opportunity to negotiate its clauses. Norbert did not have a choice to sign or not to sign the exculpatory clause as he needed to pass the medical exam in order to get a job at Travelers Inn. Therefore, he was forced by the circumstances to sign the contract. Agreeing to that clause would not have been a problem if the physical injuries suffered by Norbert would not have occurred during the improper strength test. The exculpatory clause signed by Norbert actually forced him to give up any legal method of protecting his rights and repairing the suffered damages. This is unfair to Norbert, and, therefore, the agreement signed by him and Grothe and Chec is an adhesive one and should not be enforced. CONCLUSION: The court should consider the agreement signed by Norbert Eelbode an adhesive one and should not enforce it. Therefore, the exculpatory clause should not be considered
Monday, October 28, 2019
Management of Security Essay Example for Free
Management of Security Essay Sever security is instrumental in enhancing authentication, authorization, and control of access to the network from a localized point. Therefore, implementation and management of security on windows server 2003 administration is important first because it enables easy and coherent configuring and maintenance of security setting and software installation on computer network systems. The quest for implementing security on windows server 2003 administration is failure by Microsoft to provide a single mechanism for security related settings configuration (Bragg, Hunt, 2005). The security components are attached to the server externally, a factor which makes remote monitoring and control of connections to the network by the server impossible without them. In addition, management of security in windows server 2003 is important in protecting the privacy and confidence of network users. Internet access has been on the rise in the community, an element that threatens confidentiality of computer information. Such are due to hacking and infecting of personal computers by malicious computer programs. On the other hand, security management in windows server 2003 administration serves the purpose of mitigating unauthorized access into the network. Moreover, this can also function to identify and prevent malicious computer programs from compromises services of the network users. Another important aspect of implementing and managing security in windows server 2003 is that it promotes monitoring and control of the network even when the server is offline. Employing security settings like Baseboard Management Controller hardware for example enables independent communication with remote computer. In return, this effectively enhances the process of remotely identifying errors and initiating response by the network administrator (McCann, Eckert, Schitka, 2005). Therefore, security implementation and management in windows server 2003 administration serves to reliability and efficiency service provision. References Bragg, R. , Hunt, C. (2005). Windows Server 2003 Network Administration. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly. McCann, B. , Eckert, J. , Schitka, J. (2005). Managing a Microsoft Windows server 2003 Network, Enhanced. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Benjamin Franklin :: essays research papers
The phrase “true American'; does not have a definition, although the word “American'; does. The definition of American is “belonging to or characteristic of America.'; It is hard to relate Benjamin Franklin to this definition of an American, but it does apply to many of his characteristics. Franklin’s loyalty to America shows greatly throughout his life in his writings and jobs. Franklin’s many jobs included being an inventor, politician, author, statesman, philosopher, soldier, scientist, citizen, and a printer. Franklin helped stabilize America by helping to write the countries declaration of independence, which is only one of his many works. Benjamin Franklin’s leadership did not only influence the people of his time, but this great quality still influences the people of today. Many people today think of Franklin as a proud pillar of our national heritage. Most of Franklin’s education was self-taught through his hard work and dedication to learning. This education helped Franklin in many ways to write many books, outsmart other politicians, and create new inventions. Franklin knows he can not relive his life so decides that writing a book would be the next best thing. In Franklin’s autobiography, which he writes to his son, he tries to retell his mistakes so others will not do the same. One of Franklin’s strongest beliefs includes his religion. Franklin did not believe in organized religion and believed strongly in Deism. This shows his concern for other Americans. One of Franklin’s most contributive works to America besides his diplomacy was the Declaration of Independence. Not only did Franklin help write this document, but he was also the oldest person to sign it. Franklin published an annual book called Poor Richard’s Almanac. In this book Franklin included both important and useless information. Franklin predicted temperatures, told tales, included some of his favorite quotes, and had many fun facts published in this book. This is one of Franklin’s most famous quotes “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.'; (Perkins) This saying shows Franklin’s intelligence on time management. Benjamin Franklin :: essays research papers The phrase “true American'; does not have a definition, although the word “American'; does. The definition of American is “belonging to or characteristic of America.'; It is hard to relate Benjamin Franklin to this definition of an American, but it does apply to many of his characteristics. Franklin’s loyalty to America shows greatly throughout his life in his writings and jobs. Franklin’s many jobs included being an inventor, politician, author, statesman, philosopher, soldier, scientist, citizen, and a printer. Franklin helped stabilize America by helping to write the countries declaration of independence, which is only one of his many works. Benjamin Franklin’s leadership did not only influence the people of his time, but this great quality still influences the people of today. Many people today think of Franklin as a proud pillar of our national heritage. Most of Franklin’s education was self-taught through his hard work and dedication to learning. This education helped Franklin in many ways to write many books, outsmart other politicians, and create new inventions. Franklin knows he can not relive his life so decides that writing a book would be the next best thing. In Franklin’s autobiography, which he writes to his son, he tries to retell his mistakes so others will not do the same. One of Franklin’s strongest beliefs includes his religion. Franklin did not believe in organized religion and believed strongly in Deism. This shows his concern for other Americans. One of Franklin’s most contributive works to America besides his diplomacy was the Declaration of Independence. Not only did Franklin help write this document, but he was also the oldest person to sign it. Franklin published an annual book called Poor Richard’s Almanac. In this book Franklin included both important and useless information. Franklin predicted temperatures, told tales, included some of his favorite quotes, and had many fun facts published in this book. This is one of Franklin’s most famous quotes “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.'; (Perkins) This saying shows Franklin’s intelligence on time management.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Pricing Strategies
Penetration Pricing Price set to ‘penetrate the market’ ‘Low’ price to secure high volumes Typical in mass market products – chocolate bars, food stuffs, household goods, etc. Suitable for products with long anticipated life cycles May be useful if launching into a new marketMarket Skimming High price, Low volumes Skim the profit from the market Suitable for products that have short life cycles or which will face competition at some point in the future (e.g. after a patent runs out) Examples include: Playstation, jewellery, digital technology, new DVDs, etc.Value Pricing Price set in accordance with customer perceptions about the value of the product/service Examples include status products/exclusive productsLoss Leader Goods/services deliberately sold below cost to encourage sales elsewhere Typical in supermarkets, e.g. at Christmas, selling bottles of gin at  £3 in the hope that people will be attracted to the store and buy other things Purchases of other items more than covers ‘loss’ on item sold e.g. ‘Free’ mobile phone when taking on contract packagePsychological Pricing Used to play on consumer perceptions Classic example –  £9.99 instead of  £10.99! Links with value pricing – high value goods priced according to what consumers THINK should be the priceGoing Rate (Price Leadership) In case of price leader, rivals have difficulty in competing on price – too high and they lose market share, too low and the price leader would match price and force smaller rival out of market May follow pricing leads of rivals especially where those rivals have a clear dominance of market share Where competition is limited, ‘going rate’ pricing may be applicable – banks, petrol, supermarkets, electrical goods – find very similar prices in all outletsTender Pricing Many contracts awarded on a tender basis Firm (or firms) submit their price for carrying out the work Purchaser then chooses which represents best value Mostly done in secretPrice Discrimination Charging a different price for the same good/service in different markets Requires each market to be impenetrable Requires different price elasticity of demand in each marketDestroyer/Predatory Pricing Deliberate price cutting or offer of ‘free gifts/products’ to force rivals (normally smaller and weaker) out of business or prevent new entrants Anti-competitive and illegal if it can be provedAbsorption/Full Cost Pricing Full Cost Pricing – attempting to set price to cover both fixed and variable costs Absorption Cost Pricing – Price set to ‘absorb’ some of the fixed costs of productionMarginal Cost Pricing Marginal cost – the cost of producing ONE extra or ONE fewer item of production MC pricing – allows flexibility Particularly relevant in transport where fixed costs may be relatively high Allows variable pricing structure – e.g. on a flight from London to New York – providing the cost of the extra passenger is covered, the price could be varied a good deal to attract customers and fill the aircraftContribution Pricing Contribution = Selling Price – Variable (direct costs) Prices set to ensure coverage of variable costs and a ‘contribution’ to the fixed costs Similar in principle to marginal cost pricing Break-even analysis might be useful in such circumstancesTarget Pricing Setting price to ‘target’ a specified profit level Estimates of the cost and potential revenue at different prices, and thus the break-even have to be made, to determine the mark-up Mark-up = Profit/Cost x 100Cost-Plus Pricing Calculation of the average cost (AC) plus a mark up AC = Total Cost/OutputInfluence of Elasticity Any pricing decision must be mindful of the impact of price elasticity The degree of price elasticity impacts on the level of sales and hence revenue Elasticity focuses on pro portionate (percentage) changesPED = % Change in Quantity demanded/% Change in PricePrice Inelastic: % change in Q < % change in P e.g. a 5% increase in price would be met by a fall in sales of something less than 5% Revenue would rise A 7% reduction in price would lead to a rise in sales of something less than 7% Revenue would fallPrice Elastic: % change in quantity demanded > % change in price e.g. A 4% rise in price would lead to sales falling by something more than 4% Revenue would fall A 9% fall in price would lead to a rise in sales of something more than 9% Revenue would rise
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Facebook Sextortion Essay
Sextortion is the latest cybercrime used against childrenâ€â€it a form of sexual exploration one uses guilt, power, or knowledge of certain secrets, to force another person into having sex or performing sexual favors. â€Å"Christopher Patrick Gunn was indicted Thursday by a federal grand jury in Montgomery with two counts of production of child pornography, three counts of interstate extortion, and three counts of using a facility of interstate commerce in furtherance of unlawful activity†(Shyyock, 2012). If convicted he could spend up to 100 years in the federal prison and $500,000 in fines with a lifetime supervised release. Christopher Patrick Gunn was using facebook (social networking site) to extort young girls. He would create phony profiles on facebook then he would send out facebook request to the young girls. Profiles that he used consisted of â€Å"The Justin Bieber Ruse†(when using Justin’s profile Gunn would promise the girls concert tickets), â€Å"The New Kid Ruse,†â€Å"Daniel Rodgers,†Dalton Walthers. â€Å"Tyler Mielke†and â€Å"Jason Lempke. †Once the young girls would accept his friend request they were able to use an internet-base interactive video chat serviceâ€â€like Skype. He would gain their trust so then he would proceed to ask personal questions (bra size, sexual status, etc) once he gathered enough information Gunn would request topless photos. If the girls refused he threatened to divulge the intimate conversations to the principle or place it on Facebook for the public to hear. In order for the prosecution to successfully prosecute Christopher Patrick Gunn the investigation that began in April 2011 after complaints were made from female students at Prattville Junior High School that they were receiving inappropriate picture solicitation request from a Facebook profile, police, crime scene investigators and criminalist have to provide strong evidence about the committed crime. As a result of the complaint filed pertaining to child victimization police rendered immediate action. Since the alleged crime was committed with computers and the Internet the detectives were able to use a computer commandâ€â€traceroute that is provided with most operating systems. Traceroute is a utility that can detail the IP path (Internet Protocol–an address that is unique to a computer) packets that travel between two systems. It can also provide network affiliations, and their geographic locations. After executing this command the detectives were able to get an account and address leading to Gunn’s Montgomery home. The next step was to obtain a warrant to go to the home to retrieve any evidence pertaining to the crime. So the planning of the crime scene investigation was initiated after the warrant had been granted. Once at the crime scene the detectives knew that physical evidence must be obtained using the proper procedures and the correct techniques because how the crime scene is investigated can make or break the case. The crime scene was immediately securedâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å" controlling the movement of those at the crime scene also involves ensuring that no one touches, moves, or affects any potential evidence before the scene is thoroughly documented and processed. (Buckles, 2007) A report was started containing date, time of arrival, visibility, lighting and the weather. The computers were seized –documenting the computer activity, components, and other devices. Detectives determined the status of the computers by looking for signs indicating if they were on, off or in sleep status. With the status being determined it allowed for the contents of the screens to be annotated in the report along with photographs of the monitor screens. In the event that the computers were off, the report would state the status, photographs would be taking, sketches of all wires, cables, and other peripheral devices connected to the computer would be drawn. Labels would be placed on all power supplies, wires, cables, and other peripheral devices that indicate where they were occupied on the computer photographs would be taken once more. Most computers if the power is disconnected it will preserve vital information like who was last logged on, what time, last program used and last known computer commands used. The packaging of the computers would consist of taking the power supplies from the wall outlet and computers disconnecting all wires, cables, and peripheral devices securing them. Tape would be placed on the power buttons– the CD or DVD drives would be retracted this information would be annotated in the report if they are empty, were not checked, or contained disk. Then tape would be placed on the trays ensuring they remain closed. Included in the report would be the make, model, serial numbers, and any user-applied markings or identifiers. Preparations to package the computers would be in accordance with the agency procedures to prevent damage or alterations during transportation and storage a detailed log of the contents would accompany the package. However, if the detectives came upon a crime scene that revealed the suspected crime or parts of it (i. e. chat room activity, instant messaging windows, child pornography) on the computer screen the detectives would have halted the data evidence capture. A telephone call would have been made to request assistance from more experienced personnel in retrieving volatile data capture and preservation. The computer would have been left connected to the power supply due to the evidentiary value is in plain view. The detectives would have kept the scene secured awaiting expertise. But the search for other evidence would continue. Things such a passwords, software manuals, text or graphic materials printed from the computer would aid in the investigation and should be documented and retrieved with less handling in accordance with departmental guidelines. In addition to the computers a cell phone was recovered as digital evidence it too would have been documented, photographed, and received by experts to preserve its integrity. The power supply along with adapters were labeled, logged and would have been collected in accordance with procedural guidelines pending forensic examination. â€Å"One of the final steps in the crime scene investigation process, prior to releasing and exiting the crime scene, is to conduct a debriefing. †(Buckles, 2007) During this debrief it would give all parties involved a chance to verify completion and revisit if what was planned actually took place. It is also a time to gather all pertinent reports and other documentation gathered during the investigationâ€â€so that the lead investigator could compile all documents into a central case file. Lastly, to safeguard that all evidence that was collected a â€Å"final survey and post-investigative walk-through of the crime scene is needed before releasing and exiting the scene. †(Buckles, 2007) Once the scene has been exited the evidence would be taken and released to the computer forensic team so that they may obtain possession of the computer, all networking mappings from the system, and external physical storage devices. They will use tools and software suites to electronically identify what data could be recovered  bit – stream copies, log files, photos, cookie information, URL redirection, and E-mail headers. The forensic analyzer would generate a report including: name of investigator, list of router evidence, document of the evidence and other supporting items, tools used, list of devices and setups used in the examination, brief description of the examination steps, details on the findingsâ€â€information about the files, internet-related evidences, data and image analysis and conclusion of the investigation. Hence the evidence that was collected by the Montgomery Police Department along with other investigators from the surrounding states corroborated and determined that Gunn had also committed crimes against young girls in their jurisdictions. The FBI was able to develop evidence that showed that Gunn was the person behind all the criminal conduct. In fact, the FBI has reason to believe that Gunn may have targeted hundreds of other girls in various states across the country, with some as young as 9 and 10 years old†(Weissman, 2012). In conclusion the electronic evidence that needed to be collected were the computers, cell phones, images and videos of child pornography, along with any other pertinent evidence like passwords, software manuals, text or graphic materials printed from the computer that could be used to solidify a conviction. Legal requirements for crime scene documents to be admissible as potential evidence in court must be obtained in a manner, which ensures true accuracy and validity. The constitutional rights of the perpetrator also present challenges. The prosecutors have to ensure that the experts who have examined the data do not breach client-attorney privileges and other privacy issues related to the digital evidence. The chain of custody is very important in ensuring a successful prosecution. Even though the evidence is strong other challenges need to be overcome like the presentation of the evidence discovered. Prosecutors do not typically know how to present electronic evidence to a jury. They need to understand the basics of electronic evidence so that they will not confuse the jury with computer jargon, or bore them with the expert’s testimony because it is delivered in an advanced technical manner. The prosecutors need to give the jury a basic foundation so that later they will understand the more technical issues. The prosecution should use a combination of oral testimony and demonstrative vidence so that the jury and the judge will understand later in the trial when expert witnesses are testifying. The prosecution has an obligation to present his/her case; the demonstrative evidence should be used to subconsciously condition the jury to believe your expert is knowledgeable and credible. The understanding will enable the jury to believe/not to believe the expert’s ultimate conclusions. If the prosecutor and the computer evidence collected were gathered in accordance with the departmental guidelines the prosecution will be successful.
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